Monday, April 04, 2005

why is it that when i have something important to do, all the unimportant things suddenly seem very appealing and i can't get anything done until i've done all the unimportant things?

turned in yet another abominable essay. I'm so sorry for my prof who has to plough through 10 pages of my useless drivel and come up with some soothing platitudes to justify the C- that i will probably get. argh argh argh. its 30% of my grade for that module!

now still innundated with project work. this week and next week... sigh, makes me want to curl up into a ball and pretend that i'm a cat, cos cats dont go to university.

which reminds me of that vote vote song from making fiends
vote vote vote
vote vote vote
unless you're a goat
cos goats can't vote
vote vote vote
vote vote vote
unless you're a *doughnut
cos doughnuts can't vote

*subsitute with potted plant, can of ham, and felon for the next 3 verses.

by the way, have you seen the ginvera marvel gel ad at the bus stops? the that looks like it should have a caption saying, "ARGH! Help! a giant green booger has escaped from my nose and is taking over my face!!!" just thought it was funny.


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